The Lost Soul | Teen Ink

The Lost Soul

June 7, 2010
By Vladi BRONZE, Hubbard, Oregon
Vladi BRONZE, Hubbard, Oregon
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment

The lost Soul
As I walk into the swampy land that is my soul
I continue each step of torment with the pull
It all seems like a flash of light as I go
No! Why has my soul been casted here as I ago?
Whispers in the air are sayings “it’s time to go.”
Then a shock of pain coursed through me
I saw my depressed life sadly in front of me
“Judge me. O mighty one.” I cry out
The swampy land was shrinking little by little
A moment of realization hit me
I know what I need
The word of hope gave me courage
But wait
How do I escape?
Escape he who possesses me
“Foolish question” I heard in the swamp
“I will release you” He said
“Bring back my loved ones. Give them a second chance in life.”
“Forever never”
“Shall repentance save me, and the ones I still love?”
“Will my end be in torment if I choose other wise
“Forever never”
I fell to my knees
The release of tears fell like droplets on the water
A hand lifts my chin up
An angel
“Follow me” it spoke
We ran forward
Towards the shining light
I was lying in bed
“Wake up”
My mom was standing next to
“You’re awake, finally”
The swampy land is where I went
Life flashing before me
I was searching what should have not been held dearly
But I failed to see clearly
Focusing so dimly
I woke seconds before I could have went into the light
I know this
Death is only the beginning
Life is spent wastefully
Being spent so haste fully
This was the story of my life
Sad part about this
It was only a dream

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This article has 1 comment.

Vladi BRONZE said...
on Jun. 24 2010 at 2:26 am
Vladi BRONZE, Hubbard, Oregon
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment
I liked the use of rhyming. The poem was deep. Though I notice a little things related to Edgar Allan Poe's poem "Raven".