I am Caring and Bright | Teen Ink

I am Caring and Bright

May 14, 2010
By Seneca.Shuey BRONZE, Murfreesboro, Tennessee
Seneca.Shuey BRONZE, Murfreesboro, Tennessee
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I am caring and bright
I wonder if people think I'm nice
I hear singing
I see a ballerina
I want a car
I am caring and bright

I pretend to be superwoman
I feel like flying away
I touch an oompaloompa
I worry that I can't help everyone
I cry when someone is upset
I am caring and bright

I understand that everything is not always fair.
I say smile anyway
I dream that everything will turn out okay.
I try to please everybody.
I hope to become a great person
I am caring and bright

The author's comments:
I am a people pleaser. I try to make everyone around me happy. I'm a pushover and always let people do whatever they want. I can never say no, and it is not always a good thing. It can make me unhappy in the way that they get what they want.

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