Winter Flock | Teen Ink

Winter Flock

May 20, 2010
By Sylverbird SILVER, Truro, Massachusetts
Sylverbird SILVER, Truro, Massachusetts
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A flight of whirling wings, molded by the wind,
billowed in convex-concave contortions,
folding over and over and into themselves
like recklessly kneaded bread, while
the whole black cloud twisted in violent graces
against the bleak December air.

Through a sudden plummet they stretched,
each one pulling down the next,
until their column came, first to last, to rest,
reforming, from trunk to tip, a tree,
where on every bare boned winter branch
feathered leaves shifted and rustled
without the slightest breeze.

The author's comments:
A few days after this past Christmas I was taking a walk in the sharp December air and suddenly an enormous flock of birds swarmed through the air. It was amazing to see how they all responded together, flew together, landed together. When they left the most startling thing was how quiet it had suddenly become.

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