The Reason Why | Teen Ink

The Reason Why

May 20, 2010
By Lost_Love GOLD, Immokalee, Florida
Lost_Love GOLD, Immokalee, Florida
19 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
To the world you may be one person, but to one person you can mean the world

I cry myself to sleep at night,
With pain in my heart still fresh.
I go through life lot living,
Not caring,
Not dreaming,
Not feeling.
My heart is full of blackness,
And loneliness,
And hate,
And anguish.
You are the cause of this.
You are the reason why.
Secrets that you kept,
Lies that you told me,
And now my life is Hell.
All thanks to you.
I wish you could just see me like this.
Then you would know for sure.
You would know exactly how I felt when you did what you did.
I hope you realize that
You're the reason I am who I am,
Why I have pain in my heart,
And tears in my eyes.
Thank you, sir.
For you have gave me nothing more than lies and pain.
And you're the only reason why.

The author's comments:
not one of my favorite, but still thought i should put it here. i think i did alright on it.. it took like 15 mins to do this.. which isn't much. enjoy:)

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