Boredom | Teen Ink


May 20, 2010
By xManwellax BRONZE, Brandon, Florida
xManwellax BRONZE, Brandon, Florida
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Where do I start?
What do I mark?
What can I say?
How do I pay?

I've gotten everything ready.
But nothing's steady.

I look up, I look around.
Spin my chair, watch the ground.
Close my eyes, make up some lies.
Breathe some air, watch the sky.

Face in my hands, and a mind...
I won't bother to find.
I'm just dead on the outside and inside.
I would sleep but I'm not tired.
I would freak but I'm not wired.

So I search for my feeling,
but nothing appealing.
Search some more and I find,
For the past hour this has only been

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