Growing Up | Teen Ink

Growing Up

May 20, 2010
By ALEXACLOUT BRONZE, Osceola, Wisconsin
ALEXACLOUT BRONZE, Osceola, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

People sometimes take things for granted,
Everyday there is something positive in life
Some days things are harder to pick out that are positive
Camping on the river used to be my favorite
Grass so green, river so full
After years friends became more important, and new
Weekends I spent at their house
Birthday cakes made so big, candles so bright of flame
Soccer made me fast; I put on my “wheels” and ran
The ball would roll, hopefully for the goal
Summers glowing sun is shining
Schools done, cabin so fresh
Boat so new, leather so soft
Tubes blown up just right, ropes straight
Lake bluish green, never stopped us
Jump or dive, get right in
Brown old leaves fall, smile on my face
Hurry home to a cooking turkey
Mashed potatoes out, stuff your face
Winters turning snow falls
White blankets lay across everything
Frostbit noses, hands so cold
Shiver into the warm house
Trollhaughens open, go almost every day
Butt board or hit boxes, go insane
The snow will melt before you know it
Spring will be back
And I’ll be a year older

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