Why Me | Teen Ink

Why Me

May 19, 2010
By RebeccaVlha BRONZE, Patterson, California
RebeccaVlha BRONZE, Patterson, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Waking up to gun shots;
One, two, three, ten,
Sweating until I drown in my fear.
Waking up to a SWAT team,
Benevolent and still bodies,
Strong and sturdy as the hold branches as guns.
Tears roll, noses run, vomit emerges,
The men in the suits wearing masks,
To hide from the evils emerging.
My heart swells as my lungs close,
The grasp for air isn’t clear and the stone cold love is not near.
Why does this happen to me?
So innocent and gullible,
Bountiful with beauty in the mind and spirit.
Why does darkness fade over light?

The author's comments:
I live in a bad neighboor hood next to drug dealers and one day i had woken up to a SWAT team intruding on the neighboors house to bust them. This was a bit about that experience.

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