I'm Me | Teen Ink

I'm Me

May 17, 2010
By Anonymous

I am from Disney World and swimming./From cranky neighbors and renovations./I am from South Plainfield and New Jersey./From Germany and Poland./I am from Grandma's house to water slides./From wiffle ball and cannon balls./I am from playing in the dried out sandbox and falling off swings./From wearing a red Disney shirt everyday/ Left in the attic for now/But waits to be taken down to open old memories.//I am from McDonalds; looking for every Toy Story toy./From Grandma Go and Aunt Jen/I am from movies on Thanksgiving and dogs on Valentines Day/From the baseball fields and Spring Lake Park/ I am from Pilgrim Covenant and Franklin School/ From all the bike rides around town that bring up happy thoughts from the past.//I am from home videos and Ralph's Ice/From kickball and New York Yankees games/I am from paintball guns and Frisbee/From roller skating and hockey/I am from the beach and the boardwalk walks/All items of my past but still affecting me today.//All these cherish memories/Wait up in a large box/Waiting to be taken down/ And remind me of how people change and what life o0nce was/and how great memories are//

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