My Perfectly Distinctive Life | Teen Ink

My Perfectly Distinctive Life

May 17, 2010
By AndreaG SILVER, South Plainfield, New Jersey
AndreaG SILVER, South Plainfield, New Jersey
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Everything happens for a reason..."

I am from Barbie dolls and PS3 games
From the awkward silences and random conversations,
I am from Ecuador, with its tropical beaches
From empty small-town sidewalks and crowded school hallways,
I am from waiting to grow up and feeling too old
From the lazy Sunday afternoons and Friday night parties,
I am from the Spongebob jokes, so simple and filled with childhood nostalgia
Constantly repeated by class clowns and received with laughter
Bringing memories of our childhood back from the darkness

I am from the countless times spent reading The Cat in the Hat
From the surprise birthday parties and unexpected losses,
I am from the childlike curiosity to teenage selfishness
From the yucky cooties and show-and-tell,
I am from the mud pies and mama's one of kind brownies
From the Taco Bell tacos and unforgettable days,
I am from the purple Gatorade and Juicy Juice
From the Facebook chats that make me smile and laugh out loud,
Sharing our feelings with the ones closest to us,
And learning about theirs

My life has taken me through numerous experiences
Each with its own meaning that bring decisions to be made
Making my life a whirlwind of emotions
Teaching me how to cope with and appreciate anything that comes my way,
And knowing that whatever happens later,
Will never change who I am today

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