Who I am | Teen Ink

Who I am

May 2, 2010
By Anonymous

Sometimes, I'm not sure who I am.
Sometimes, I'm many people at once.
I gasp when I hear talk of girls doing crazy things,
and yet
I let boys touch me when I dance.
I let them curl up beside me on my bed and kiss my neck, turn me around and kiss my lips.
I talk maturely and dance in the rain,
And I cry, I cry so much sometimes that I think I might have cried away some of my soul.
If I even have a soul- can you have a soul when you don't know who you are? Or if you are many people?
If you say one thing and do another?
I can't help it.
I don't understand myself.
I don't understand why I do the things that I do or allow them to happen.
But they do.
I do not know who I am,
and seeing what I do, I'm afraid to find out.

The author's comments:
I think a lot of people feel like they're a bit lost on who they are- they'll do things that don't seem like themselves and yet maybe they do? It's a confusing time.

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