Hands | Teen Ink


May 6, 2010
By Kailey Kotara BRONZE, Cibolo, Texas
Kailey Kotara BRONZE, Cibolo, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

As old songs walk through my hands,
I look deep into your silver eyes,
While our soft hands press together,
Your llong fingers reach and melt like soft butter,
Intertwining with mine.

The white moon and wondrous stars above,
Grabs us gently,
You send a gentle tone to my ear,
It tells a simple key,
You ask me small questions,
And spilled out answers swell,
Swelling our minds,
It trembles with broken fears.

We stumble over existence,
As rain falls harder,
I stumble for youe affection,
Lacing our hands.
It's gone!
Our broken fears trap us,
And we have nothing left,
It's just you and me,
we fight
we pull
But can't let go.
Our fears bring us together,
As we become one intertwined with hands.

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