The Unheard | Teen Ink

The Unheard

May 8, 2010
By shake BRONZE, Afton, Wyoming
shake BRONZE, Afton, Wyoming
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

You can lose someone
And feel like you’re done
But life goes on just the same
The world doesn’t stop for just one

It has no emotions, no pity, no sorrow
It just keeps moving along
The death, the pain, the war, the grief
Everyone moves along, just keeps shuffling their feet

The neighbor next door
Never knows
If a friend’s life could end
There are ones on the edge, there’s some left for dead
And most will never even know

There are untold stories
And ones who need glory
But never get what they deserve
They go their whole life
They do it just right
They could sacrifice everything they have

There are few that will know
Of the sacrifice made
The ones that act for others
But when they’ve had their run
And their work is done
The world just keeps on turning

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