Self Injury | Teen Ink

Self Injury

May 4, 2010
By gray- BRONZE, Bloomer, Wisconsin
gray- BRONZE, Bloomer, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
My favorite quote is too long to fit on here, but basically life doesn't have a purpose unless you let it.

Like cat scrathces, these knicks on the skin
From razor blades, pocketknives, plastic utensils
Raw marks, furious rubbing
Sking wearing off
Paper clips, unbent
Stabbing instruments
Cigarette lighters scorch the flesh
Self-injury, cutting
These kids, perfectly normal,
Hurt themselves to cope

The author's comments:
This poem in many ways represents my past. After freeing myself from cutting I began to cope by writing, so I truly enjoyed writing this poem. I hope to inform readers that those who self injure themselves are not crazy, merely overwhelmed with emotional pain.

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