Peaceful Greenwood | Teen Ink

Peaceful Greenwood

April 29, 2010
By QtheMusic1195 BRONZE, Brooklyn, New York
QtheMusic1195 BRONZE, Brooklyn, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I thought today would be a bore
Full of death and cheerless gore.
But instead it brought peace to my mind,
The kind of peace I thought I’d never find.

We mostly talked, while we walked upon the grounds,
But instead , were great stories that I found.

Some were about the love for a dog
And others were about people who died
Which could make anyone sob.

Tombstones and mausoleums,
That were meant for the most historical people.
Small one’s, tall one’s, and large one’s that came with big fee’s. Close to the end we even found a tombstone in a tree.

Many people asked if stepping over a grave to admire it was bad
But the deceased spent great amounts of money on their tombstones,
so I bet they’ll be glad.

We saw, we picked flowers and we laughed
And now im hoping to never let that experience get stuck in the past.

The author's comments:
My class and I took a trip to Greenwood Cemetary, and this poem is about my experience. I hope people will try picture how the cemetary would look through their eyes because to me it was a very beautiful place.

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