Does it matter | Teen Ink

Does it matter

May 4, 2010
By TrackStar SILVER, Diberville, Mississippi
TrackStar SILVER, Diberville, Mississippi
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
you will never know what falling is until you have yo get up

Does it matter that I walk with my head held high?
Does it matter that my dreams exceed past the sky?
Does it matter that I choose not to put away my past?
Does it matter that I want to hide behind a mask?
Does it matter that I find solace in the darkest corner of my room?
Does it matter that it hurts me to look at the moon?
Does it matter that I want to push away those I love?
Does it matter that I’d rather pull in evil than to shove?
Does it matter that I feel pain?
Does it matter that I hate the rain?
Does it matter that you live within me?
Does it matter that you used to care
Does it matter that this treatment is unfair?
Daddy does it truly matter?
Does it matter that I walk without my head to ground because I’m afraid if I look down my tears will fall?
Does it matter that my dreams reach the clouds and past those too?
Because I want to climb them, daddy and get away from you.
Does it matter that I rather have my past put away?
Because I cant forget that painful day.
Does it matter that I wear this mask to hide my face?
Because I fear you’ll find me a total disgrace.
Does it matter that I hide in the darkest corner of my room?
so that the walls can shield me from your terrible voice and its awful boom.
Does it matter the moon is apart of my frightful nights
Because it reminded me how you were never there the hold me tight.
Does it matter that I don’t blame the people I love for what they do?
Daddy, it’s because I blame you.
Does it matter that I hold in the evil during its terrible fits?
That’s because I’m trying to love the hell out of it.
Does it matter that my head spins and my back aches?
Those both remind me of your infinite mistakes.
Does it matter that the drops on my face aren’t from the sky?
I yelled out to you daddy, you didn’t come, why.
Does it matter that your evil lives within me?
Because I’m afraid I pray that you’re not the person I’ll grow up to be.
Does it matter that you were the world’s greatest dad?
It does to me and, daddy I’m sad.

The author's comments:
This is about a father daughter relationship

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