Waterfall | Teen Ink


May 1, 2010
By kminji GOLD, Woodbridge, Virginia
kminji GOLD, Woodbridge, Virginia
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I marvel at the descent of water
And as the sun shines, accepting its beauty
An array of brilliant colors surround the waterfall
The show a startling sight

The light splash of water is just right
With warmth that wraps me snuggly
As my feet feel that same warmth
They are pondered by fish that complement the waterfall admirably

The sun, so amazed by the scene
Shines ever so bright at the waterfall
The magnificent rainbow enlarges and shares its breathtaking colors with the world
The waterfall gaining on speed, as if applauding the sun for the rainbow

Even when the sun falls, and the moon replaces to light up the sky
The waterfall still runs on, but not without something to complement its continuous motion
As the moon rises the tides of elsewhere in recognition of the waterfall
The remarkable descent gaining on speed again, applauding the moon for the wonderful night

The author's comments:
This is my first non-academic non-depressing piece. It`s hard to write something cheerful, but I think I prevailed.

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