March 17th | Teen Ink

March 17th

May 4, 2010
By Anonymous

Michael, Timothy, Patrick, Sean.
McHugh, Fitzpatrick, O'Malley, Mcguire.
Samuel, Bud, Guiness- Guiness!
Shamrocks, Potatoes ("Spuds"), Gold.

Old Irish Blessings wish you health,
hope happiness, strength.
"May the Road Rise to Meet You,"
The Luck o' the Irish save you,
Parades rolling like something new,
Drunken Catholics dancing askew.

Today, if I only knew what I could say,
but everyone will be okay,
if it's only 'til St. Patrick's Day.

The Irish are strong and handy- don't be catty.
So my question for you, is:

Who's Your Paddy?

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