If your life were a raindrop, where would your journey take you? | Teen Ink

If your life were a raindrop, where would your journey take you?

May 1, 2010
By Katelynmbradley GOLD, Folsom, California
Katelynmbradley GOLD, Folsom, California
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Life isn't about the number of breaths you take, but the moments that take your breath away!"

If my life were a raindrop, i would travel the world and take it by storm! (no pun intended) I would use the wind as my ride and sail through the clouds. I would visit every town across the world and great everyone i come in contact with. I would dance with those who sing while in the rain, I would cry with those who miss the sunshine and i would praise with those who have witnessed drought. I would wait in a stream or pond or lake till the sun drought me back into the clouds and i began another stretch of my journey. I would smile down at all the wonder of the world from my perch amidst a cloud. My life would be filled with wonder and adventure and as i am now, i would be forever happy and pleased with the life given to me, even if that life was as a raindrop!

The author's comments:
I hope that you can see love and peace through this poem. Take what you have been given and live your life with love!

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