If today was the first day | Teen Ink

If today was the first day

May 1, 2010
By Katelynmbradley GOLD, Folsom, California
Katelynmbradley GOLD, Folsom, California
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Life isn't about the number of breaths you take, but the moments that take your breath away!"

If today was the first day i said hello to you
Id find some way to make you smile
And to never want to leave me

If today was the first day you walked me home
You said you couldn't stand to see me walk away
So instead took my hand in yours and stayed by my side

If today was the first day you admired my eyes
You wouldn't ever look away
And you'd say they were as blue as the ocean, though much more beautiful

If today was the first day you caressed my cheek
Id feel the shivers up and down my spine
Making my mind go blank, of everything but you

If today was the first day i noticed the way you said my name
You'd say it the way I've always wished you would
Like i'm the only one in the world for you

If today was the first day you smelled my hair
You'd say you never smelled anything so lovely
And never will you pull away

If today was the first day you kissed me
My lips have never felt so at home
It is a moment that will hold a place in my heart forever

If today was the first day you said my three favorite words
Id reply by saying "I love you too"
And from that moment on I knew, something ill never forget

Today is the first day, the first day of forever!
Forever and only with you!

The author's comments:
This is a poem by me, for that special someone in my life and for all those first moments that are so special.

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