When you add some fun | Teen Ink

When you add some fun MAG

April 15, 2010
By Anonymous

When you bring together good friends
Crappy food
And sugary drinks
The outcome is a lot of fun

Lots of laughter and lots of love
There is no more drama
When you add good friends
Crappy food
And sugary drinks
The sun on your back and the sand between your toes
The sea gulls eating anything we toss to them
And their confusion when we burst out laughing
For no reason
But why do we need a reason
To have a ton of fun
‘Cause when we add some good friends
Crappy food
And sugary drinks
Who cares what anyone else thinks

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This article has 1 comment.

Sveta BRONZE said...
on Sep. 22 2010 at 7:30 am
Sveta BRONZE, Nizhyn, Other
4 articles 0 photos 6 comments


Such a great free verse gives a lift to my spirit.

Thank you for this pleasure! keep on writing!