Unfair | Teen Ink


April 26, 2010
By Anonymous

Posters all around me telling me what I can do.

They can't see me dreaming the way that they can see you.

Rules, guidelines, not for you.

What more is there for me to do.

Prisons set up everywhere,

I'm running, running anywhere.
Trying to escape the things,
Yet somehow they keep haunting me.
Can't you see.
No one can be

Will phase through me.

Controls are switching up,

Confusing us.

And nothing can be done.

People all around me telling me what I can do.

They wont allow my dreaming,

They keep comparing me to you.

Fire, ice;



Forward, reverse;

For now.

For you,

For me,
For all of us;
For what were we hoping to be.

Life, death;
Loved and lost;

What more could a person be?
Life, death;
Loved and lost;

What else could a person need?

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