The color of Happiness | Teen Ink

The color of Happiness

April 26, 2010
By Kenan Dannenberg SILVER, Olathe, Kansas
Kenan Dannenberg SILVER, Olathe, Kansas
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

If happiness had a color, it’d be the bright blue of her shirt.
If loneliness had a shade I wouldn’t know it.
If bliss had a sound, it’d be her giggle at six in the afternoon.
Joy as a scent would be the gentle breeze of her perfume.
How delightful is a dance for two in the middle of a thunderstorm,
When no one else is out and warm showers sweep you away.
She’d be my lifejacket, keeping me afloat.
What would it be like to feel glum?
I wouldn’t know, I’ve got sunshine in my arms.

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