The Rose | Teen Ink

The Rose

April 25, 2010
By Ashlyn Brown BRONZE, Jonestown, Texas
Ashlyn Brown BRONZE, Jonestown, Texas
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

An object of such simplicity
Filled with minute details by a Creator, an Artist
His work begins with a seed of serenity and beauty
And blossoms into a symbol of His love:

You, my rose, have so much to say
A scented whisper you offer to my senses
You always seem to have a way
Of removing all my false pretenses

You begin from dirt with curiosity in tow
Of what you have to offer my world
With purity and strength your seeds all grow
And your wisdom blooms and unfurls

You delicately blossom and symbolize one
Who can find no words to express how they feel
By love or remorse you recover what’s undone
Petal by petal you remove your conceal

You age with time, an inevitable gift
A beauty once new now crisp and aged
You have left behind a permanent shift
Two hearts and two souls are engaged

The author's comments:
I was inspired to write this piece because of a beautiful picture of a single rose a friend of mine had drawn for me. I had an assignment in my class to write a poem about any picture, and I chose a rose. I focused on the life of a rose, and the affect it has on people. I tried to capture all aspects. I hope people will be able to visualize what I am trying to do with this poem of the rose.

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