The Person You've Never Known | Teen Ink

The Person You've Never Known

April 16, 2010
By Amandapanda0325 BRONZE, Naples, Florida
Amandapanda0325 BRONZE, Naples, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"And if the many sayings of the wise
Teach of submission I will not submit
But with a spirit all unreconciled
Flash an unquenched defiance to the stars."

The person with the brightest light shining from within
Is the person whom within the presence you've never been
The person who has done the best at the day's end
The person who will give their life for an enemy or a friend
The person who has no evilness of to be told
The person who truly has a pure heart of gold
Just remember that this person
So kind
So bold
So true
If we try hard enough
Could be me or you

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