Tiny worlds in my butt | Teen Ink

Tiny worlds in my butt

April 12, 2010
By doorknobmuncher BRONZE, New York, Montana
doorknobmuncher BRONZE, New York, Montana
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Lonely quiet untouched by true love,

In a strenuous tower he sits up above,

No one to love hes never had anyone,

But hes got a good dream and wont give it up,

Searching and searching looking for her,

Nothing he finds but a bunch of dumb girls,

Hes never had experience and doesnt know whos good,

But hes got his heart set and refuses to lose,

Hes looked everywhere and still nothings found,

Love isnt there not a soul around,

He looks around frantically and sees hes amiss,

Lost at sea without even one kiss,

How foolish and stupid could he have been,

Love is a myth a lie and a sin,

He wanders the streets with no aim in his life,

Wasting it all living in vice,

Then he sees her,

A flower in the meadow,

A diamond in a pile of coal,

They talk and talk for hours a day,

Wishing the other would sweep them away,

Falling in love not caring at all,

He longs to see her as a ball longs to fall,

God knows what will happen will it prove to be true,

I sure do hope so cause i wrote this for you.

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