Just Children | Teen Ink

Just Children

April 11, 2010
By Tara-Kat BRONZE, Nazareth, Pennsylvania
Tara-Kat BRONZE, Nazareth, Pennsylvania
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Until death do us part,
Speak the words from your heart,
Just children in a chapel,
It’s all part of the appeal.
So sing me to sleep,
Bring me to tears,
How did I keep you,
Over the past ten years?
It comes as a shock,
I’m sickly, I’m ill,
A pessimist at heart,
It can’t be cured.
Yet still you stand by my side.
We’re just children in a chapel,
It’s all part of the appeal,
But maybe, just maybe,
What we have is real.

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