The Piano | Teen Ink

The Piano

April 4, 2010
By cjhendo SILVER, Shoreline, Washington
cjhendo SILVER, Shoreline, Washington
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

O piano,
How your music fills me with delight.
Your 88 keys so perfectly tuned spills music out into the world.
From your lowest key to your highest key I play.
The Piano paints a picture,
With every note a color,
I make a mosaic.
Oh how the pedals change your sound,
Making the noise flow forever,
Or stopping the noise in its tracks.
I tinker along the keys hoping for the right concoction of notes to pop out.
I hit it,
It seems like a diamond in the ruff to get the right notes.
I create a song of my very own
Letting my hands guide me along the keys,
I fill my mind with the exquisite music of the piano.

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