People | Teen Ink


April 4, 2010
By kayla123 SILVER, Waunakee, Wisconsin
kayla123 SILVER, Waunakee, Wisconsin
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Everything will be alright in the end if something in the end isn't right - then it isn't the end.............

Purple, blue, and black all colors.
Sad, shy, and happy all feelings.
What makes a person a person?
The color of there hair, skin, eyes.
The clothes they wear.
Different feelings they have or might be feeling?
Why do all of these things matter?
Because it makes a person who they are.
Why do people look at these things differently?
Because everybody is different, but if people know that then why do they discriminate?
Why do they waste there time putting people down?
Can anyone answer that?

The author's comments:
This piece is about people judging others because of the way they look or feel. It asks questions but shows that everyone is different and yet the same.

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