Together We're Strong | Teen Ink

Together We're Strong

April 8, 2010
By lestark GOLD, Neosho, Missouri
lestark GOLD, Neosho, Missouri
13 articles 0 photos 0 comments

As time passes,

So do we age,

Our friendship strengthens.

It may falter,

But never fail.

For as we are human, we make mistakes,

But that cannot blind us to what is most important.

Friendship is a bond,

Ever growing, ever expanding.

As it grows, we become closer,

Never ceasing to learn.

As trials come, we fight them,

Not alone, nor separate,

But always together.

Many things are thrown at us in life,

But as long as we are together,

We have nothing to fear.

There are battles to be fought,

But not alone,

Nor could we succeed,

And foolish it would be to try.

For alone we are weak,

But together, we are strong.

For time may cease,

But a friendship,

Can last forever.

The author's comments:
I want to show how beautiful a friendship can be if both friends trust each other and are there for each other in fun times and not so fun.

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