The Declaration | Teen Ink

The Declaration

April 1, 2010
By Real_Ferret BRONZE, Salinas, California
Real_Ferret BRONZE, Salinas, California
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
I've learned that sometimes the people you expect to put you down will be there to help you back up.

I declare the declaration,
where I declare myself independent.
I declare myself unique.
I declare that I can not be judged for my family, but for who I am on the inside.
I declare I am my own person,
and I declare I am not my siblings.
I declare I am who I am,
and I declare nothing you say can ever change me.
I declare that I can make my own decision, whether they be right or wrong.
I declare I must learn on my own
I declare judgement should come from the inside, not on clothes, family, or friends.
I declare that pizza worker or graphic designer,
I am not my brothers
And I declare that nothing, NOTHING, will amount to anything if I am shaped by those around me and not by the expierences or lessons learned.
I declare this declaration endless and unknown.
and I declare the known is over.

The author's comments:
The hand-written copy of this poem of mine has the quote "Battered and broken, these words are spoken" which is a quote by Hawthorne Heights.

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