You Are My Best Freind Because.... | Teen Ink

You Are My Best Freind Because....

March 31, 2010
By NeverFallTooHard PLATINUM, Hartford, Wisconsin
NeverFallTooHard PLATINUM, Hartford, Wisconsin
24 articles 5 photos 98 comments

Favorite Quote:
Reason is powerless in the expression of Love.~ Rumi
Realisim, in painting, is what one wants to see, not what they really see. ~ Janet Fish

The penaut to my butter,
The rainbow to my skittles,
The sun in my sky,
The teeth in my smile,
The shine to my sun,
The hot to my dog,
The beans to my franks,
The mac to my cheese,
The color to my pencils,
The raisn to my bran,
The chew to my gum,
The french to my fries,
The milk to my shake,
The icing on my cake,
The cream in my coffee,
The lucky to my charms,
The banana in my splits,
the key to my heart,

But most of all,

You're the BEST to my FRIEND.

The author's comments:
My best friend who was my half, who then left me for my enemy, and so i found some new best friends, and a special someone out there.

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