Animal Rights Poem | Teen Ink

Animal Rights Poem

March 31, 2010
By Jasmine Bumps BRONZE, China, Maine
Jasmine Bumps BRONZE, China, Maine
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

All of them
or small.

Protection is needed
for them all.

No matter how minuscule
or how vast.

Only protection
will make them last.

They're treated like things.
They're treated like dirt.

Nobody seems to care
about how much they hurt.

Extinction, endangerment and cruelty
are all an issue.

I'm sure that if they could cry
tears of sadness and pain,
that wouldn't ever have
enough tissues.

People need to stand up
and encourage animal's rights.

No matter what,
we need to fight.

To fight for what we believe
the animals need.

Just stand up and
use our numbers
to take the lead.

We need to take the lead
for all the animals that on their own
can't speak.

We need to help the ones
that can't help themselves
because they are so weak.

It would save the world
one animal at a time.

And would also
really create a substantial
for this rhyme.

The author's comments:
I've always been passionate about animal protection. Writing this poem is a representation about how I feel on the subject and what I think should be done about it.

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This article has 1 comment.

Mitchell said...
on Aug. 28 2011 at 8:07 am
Jasmine, I'm so proud of you for publishing this.