Sea Urchin | Teen Ink

Sea Urchin

March 7, 2010
By ndu27 BRONZE, Bloomington, Minnesota
ndu27 BRONZE, Bloomington, Minnesota
1 article 16 photos 0 comments

Teeny-tiny, fluorescent, tranquil.
Observing its fellow ocean creatures
is a lone sea urchin.
A vast expanse of the known and unknown
this happy creature lives in,
breathing the sea’s richly oxygenated water
so she may thrive and grow
and be.

Sometimes she bashfully babbles;
the soothing gurgling of air bubbles
become mere specs in her coral megalopolis.
My poems, my silently-spoken verses
bound to paper, but not to my me,
may go unheard some days,
but the sea urchin does not mind
if her teeny-tiny buddies appreciate her bubbles or not.

Baby sea urchin grows and thrives,
eats her plankton and waves her teeny-tiny squishy tentacles
for her friends to see.
She is developing and loving it.
My ideas, my inspirations, my style
modifies in unison with the constant change
of friends, seasons, emotions, and passions.
I thrive, and grow
and love it.

Teenage sea urchin hides
in a safe, spongy haven
away from the cranky crustaceans, threatening her coral home
and teeny tiny existence.
I hide my words from fellow predators,
intimidated by the potential criticism
and my lack of conformity
because not all days do I need to be heard.

Grown-up sea urchin responds to her environment,
contributes to her ecosystem,
shimmies her teeny-tiny transparent tentacles,
and shows off her many colored days for her buddies to see.
My writing waxes and wanes and begs to be read.
I write to the broad civilization of writers
sharing my thoughts, my opinions, my motivations
with those who are willing to listen.

Teeny-tiny, fluorescent, tranquil.
Learning how to belong and how to express myself,
I am a sea urchin.
A vast expanse of photos and pen ink and poetry
is where I live and love.
Breathing the passion I choose to put on paper
so I may thrive and grow.
And be.

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