This is a poem to . . . | Teen Ink

This is a poem to . . .

March 17, 2010
By gilleyh BRONZE, Howey-in-the-Hills, Florida
gilleyh BRONZE, Howey-in-the-Hills, Florida
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

This is a poem to my bittersweet mother
Whom I have yelled at on numerous occasions,

over pointless matters
Whom I have threatened to leave and call child services,

just because I didn’t get my way
Whom I have treated as though you are worthless in my life

unknowingly you are the most important thing
Then I grew older . . .

This is a poem to you, Mom
Who I go to for a shoulder to cry on

and no matter the circumstances, you are always on my side
Who I know is only a phone call away
despite distance we may be apart
Who I respect, cherish and admire

for taking care of us children
Then I grew wiser . . .

This is a poem to you wonderful mother
Whose bravery has taught me
to stand up for myself and just be me
Whose wisdom and encouragement has taught me
that I can and will be anything I desire

Whose devotion to her full-time job, being a mom, has taught me

that family is forever
Then I grew into now . . .

This poem is for you Mom, thank you.

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