Recipe for RIBS | Teen Ink

Recipe for RIBS

March 12, 2010
By EJ Vander Velde BRONZE, Belmont, Michigan
EJ Vander Velde BRONZE, Belmont, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Ribs are awesome.
You’re cooking on a large charcoal grill.
Make a spicy seasoning.
You spread a layer of spices.
You flip it over and do the same to the other side.
You let it cook for awhile.
Make the sauce creamy,
Grab a brush for the sauce,
When you get to the grill take the brush.
You spread a thick layer of sauce on the top.
Flip it over and spread another thick layer on the bottom.
Take them off, put them on a plate and….
Eat them!
They are as juicy as soup.

The author's comments:
its more of a recipe for ribs than a poem

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