Slipping Away | Teen Ink

Slipping Away

March 10, 2010
By Anonymous

Every day, like today the same,
livin life day after day
some might think it's just a game
i just ask why things keep slipping away.

I live my life in faith and serving
only asking for happiness to gain,
but the only thing reappearing
is that things slip away bringing pain.

Do i ask to much of my life?
if looking for love in another,
keeps bringing me nothing but strife
than why should i bother?

Is it wrong to question
the God who has brought me through
the pain of my past in all my transgression?
even through pain i knew i grew.

But after all of this i feel alone
Every thing just keeps slipping away.
where can i find a stepping stone
to hold me up for one more day?

So i sit and wait, and wait
for someone to look for me in love
to hold me close till the day turns late
no longer slipping from far above.

The author's comments:
When I wrote this poem, I had been watching my at the time crush from a distance and thought that he loved me only to see that he was going out with someone else. I wrote this to express my inner longing for love and express my inner pain that I refused to outwardly express

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