Teenage Troubles | Teen Ink

Teenage Troubles

March 9, 2010
By al_sirna BRONZE, Cleveland, Ohio
al_sirna BRONZE, Cleveland, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The whole idea of it makes me feel like
I’m floating on a cloud of air, where it’s to
peaceful to think about anything else but the moment.
You can fall, but right now you’re thinking, thinking
about the past,
about the present,
about the future,
and noticing the possibilities would ruin everything.

You tell me to stop growing up so fast and
to stay your little girl, equipped with every
Barbie ever made and my own Pocahontas nightgown.
But that is because you haven’t stopped to notice
how quickly I have matured over the years. At five
I was going to be the next Spice Girl, and travel the
world. At seven I went to my very first concert, decked
out with plaid pants and crimped hair. And do you remember
at ten my very own band, the Groovy Girls?

But now, as I’m entering the complex world of a teenager,
small stuff like the tooth fairy or Easter bunny seem to erase
themselves from my mind. Different desires like the newest
hairstyle, or cutest clothes seem to take their place.
No longer is my silver Razor scooter,
now sitting against my garage wall,
the coolest way to get around the neighborhood.

This is the beginning of a chapter where good choices are key,
and the end to a life where everything was simple, and effortless,
Instead of stopping my friends from stealing each others crayons,
I’ll be stopping them from making stupid choices,
like taking drugs or drinking alcohol.

It seems like only yesterday I used to believe
there was nothing under my skin but water
if you cut me my body would drain, but only
to fill back up again, and start anew
But now as I prance along the soccer fields of my life,
worrying about my grades, or who my true friends are,
I realize it’s time to follow what my heart
has been trying to tell me all along,
that everything is going to be okay.

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