Unexpected Feeling | Teen Ink

Unexpected Feeling

March 5, 2010
By Alex0 BRONZE, El Paso, Texas
Alex0 BRONZE, El Paso, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I've lived in a house
that's empty and dark.
The dark stairs always frightened me.
I finally decided to runaway and move on.
Walking a long way
with no destionation,
beneath the starred and leafy sky
the silence surged through me softly.
Walking till I can feel my feet no more
I decided to lie in the cold wet grass,
Lie down and sink in the pain
and realized that I miss my home.
Confused about why I feel this
I feel my feet move
and begin to take me home.
I am walking a long way once again.
the house is just as I left it
creaks andmoans with every step.
I just sit on the stairs
that frightened me.
I am home again.

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