The Herald and the Lamb | Teen Ink

The Herald and the Lamb

March 4, 2010
By DaveyPhillips SILVER, Chelsea, Alabama
DaveyPhillips SILVER, Chelsea, Alabama
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

He rode from above on a chariot of fire
like Elijah’s duet of scorching white steeds
and a tender tune played from a golden lyre
He was a harbinger both solemn and wild
Born to deliver a message from a radiant sky
and awaken his commander’s heartbroken child

He came swift as a raving beast
In pursuit of a lamb both helpless and hurt
who craved the consoling hands of the celestial priest.
Like the lustrous sword from Arthur’s tale,
he was a riveting beacon to raise the sun
and bring wind to its fiery sail.

His voice spoke more words than one
Like Paul’s absolution from history’s sullen grasp
the impression left could not be undone.
He rode steady and prevailed against time’s bound
speaking these enduring words to a star bred child,
“I am the hymn to end despondency’s sound"

He declared unto my native drum as it beat,
“My name is peace, and thus I hope to bring to you
a realm apart from Lucifer’s unsettling fleet
with my wings like rain and my sword of flame
I’ve come to lift you my brother in arms,
and hand you a shield to be unscathed by shame”

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