a reason | Teen Ink

a reason

February 28, 2010
By eliana ramirez BRONZE, Houston, Texas
eliana ramirez BRONZE, Houston, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

_taste my blood:and my tears,feel my heat and wipe the sweat from my face,give me the water you owe me,i pay my dues with my hands ,and travel the world with my feet,god given me my strength,and i given myself weakness,day and night process i hide myself and take cover away from my enemeys,USELESS IN A WORLD OF DREAMS,life is like a sunrise,it rises and then falls,life is like the wind it touches every corner,life is like an ocean it reaches around the world...not fully understood why i was put here,but there must be a reason why god given me my life!

The author's comments:
_this is something ,i gotta think about before i write,my words these words pop in my mind and out on the paper,it takes me not even knowing,till i actually go back and read,what i've just done!i love my work and i hope you do too!

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