Trapped | Teen Ink


March 3, 2010
By emilygill BRONZE, Brooklyn, New York
emilygill BRONZE, Brooklyn, New York
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

She looks into his eyes just one more time,
As she backs away, a piece of her dies.
For breaking her heart, it should be a crime.
She won’t take him back, he is her demise.
He pulls out a poem, a letter to read,
He tells her he’s wrong and begs for her back;
A story of love, a desperate need,
She starts to smile; her heart will soon crack.
She gives him a chance; he then lets her down,
She can’t get out now; he has her whole heart;
She’s in too deep, in sorrow she will drown,
Never again will she get to restart.
The boy moves on, has a new girl for fun.
The new girl is trapped, her life is now done.

The author's comments:
I may be young but I have had my heart broken, and this is how I felt.

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