The Traitorous Rapper | Teen Ink

The Traitorous Rapper

February 25, 2010
By TheRustyGuy BRONZE, New Gloucester, Maine
TheRustyGuy BRONZE, New Gloucester, Maine
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
I cannot control who I am. I can only control who I become.

What's with people these days?
I just don't get it
how they can listen to
let alone give credit
to people who chant
and scream and shout
about drugs, sex, abuse
it makes me wanna cry out,
“Hey you! Unplug
and and lend your ear to me
'cuz there's something right here
it's called music type B.
This stuff's the best.
Rap may make the bucks,
but other than that,
rap just plain sucks.”
Now some people would say
that rap's cooler than that!
But when you dig deep down,
it's a big heap of scat
'cuz its not really special
anybody can do it
just listen to me rappin'
there's really nothing to it
all you really need
to rap like a pro
is a sense of rhythm
and a good voice to show
real singing takes skill
it takes practice and time
while rap isn't much
you just belt out the rhymes.
Singing sounds better too
if you do it right
much better than rap
which is never polite
'cuz they swear for almost every
single word of the song
and even when they don't
it just sounds plain wrong
'cuz they chant about
drugs, booze, sex, and hitting,
and now we're we come
back to the very beginning.
So I hope my message
wove right through your head
and you'll remember the words
that I have just said,
because, in the words
of my good friend Steve,
It's gotta be true
in order for me to believe.

The author's comments:
A rap I made up about how bad rap is compared to actual music.

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This article has 2 comments.

on Mar. 12 2010 at 8:05 am
TheRustyGuy BRONZE, New Gloucester, Maine
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
I cannot control who I am. I can only control who I become.

Wow, thanks. I actually regretted posting this as my first article, because I thought it was a poor representation on my ability. I'd think you'd like the other poem I've posted (yet to be approved).

Milo! said...
on Mar. 9 2010 at 8:54 pm
I really love this. I really like how everyone can relate to this. I hope you keep writing, because this is great. You should check out some of my stuff. I think you would like it.