Dance | Teen Ink


March 2, 2010
By Raamses Noriega SILVER, Aurora, Oregon
Raamses Noriega SILVER, Aurora, Oregon
7 articles 1 photo 0 comments

A graceful movement like a gazelle in the field
A combination of peacefulness controlled and sealed
It touches you soul like a chilling wind in the cold
Some consider it precious, beautiful like a bar of gold
It may be difficult when you try it at first
But even if you fail, you're not the worst
Because this kind of movement cannot let you down
Just listen patiently to the grace of the sound
The contemporary beauty that these steps hold
Are strong and pleasant movements that may just be bold?
Like a rose between thorn bushes or a lillipad in a pond
It's unique and special with an extraordinary bond
It's the "water" in my fall that has a twinkle in my eye
It leaves you amazed, this language will never die
From the first century to the last century
There will be no hatred towards it…no fury

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