The Murder | Teen Ink

The Murder

February 22, 2010
By m.mrestrepo BRONZE, Overland Park, Kansas
m.mrestrepo BRONZE, Overland Park, Kansas
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

His eyes enraged with a red tint-
Nothing on his mind but death.
She walks our savoring her mint-
She hears footsteps behind her
And quickly draws her breath.

The sparkle of the stars upon her
Hair draws his attention closer more-
His lust for her enrages him to his core.

He rushes behind her and grasps her lips-
His heart, an adrenaline bomb, skips.
Muffled screams are heard through the street-
The scent of her mint to him is enchanting and sweet.

She feels the air punctured out of her lungs
As she is pierced by a cold knife.
He feels powerful, he knows that he has consumed her life.
The mint hits the ground along with her late,
Fearful tears.

Her body hit’s the pavement.
His body is hit by resentment.
He realizes what he’s done. A Murder.
With a loud shriek he collapses besides her.

They are found, together.
Her body cold and lifeless wrapped in her jacket of leather.
His hand, blood drenched, wrapped around the knife
That suffocated his shame.

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