reflection | Teen Ink

reflection MAG

February 22, 2010
By chloejeanTM SILVER, Colorado Springs, Colorado
chloejeanTM SILVER, Colorado Springs, Colorado
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The night faded into dark
And the clouds left the sky
Even the stars aren't out tonight
Without bittersweet good-byes
They left, like you
Left us with nothing.
But when I look in the mirror
I see you, your face
Then I realize that you didn't really leave
Even though I waited desperately
For you to go
I fight for my life, a new one without you
Tabula rasa
But when I look in the mirror
My clean slate is stained
Stained with coffee, blood
And shattered glass
I can't begin again with these eyes
That have seen too much
Or these ears that have heard
Enough for two people
Eventually the dark fades to
Pink, then yellow and orange
The sun comes up and that face
Is suddenly my own again
Hazmat has cleaned up the blood and glass
While I poured myself a new cup of coffee
And gave this slate one last chance
Your face will always be a part of mine
And you, me
No matter how much I want you to leave
At least I know that when
I look up at the night sky
The stars smile down on me
Something you only wished would
Happen to

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