Over the Years | Teen Ink

Over the Years

February 20, 2010
By Anonymous

I have been teased over the years
It hurt me so bad, it had affected my life in many ways
I tried not to show the pain but it was hard
I used to grabbed the knife
And cut the tips of my fingers
So no one can see what I did
All the pain has been bottled up and only part of that has been expressed
I had lived in so much pain for far to long
They can’t take back what they said
Or how much pain they have caused me
It’s something that can’t be fixed it can not get better
But over the years I have learned that I am stronger.
Now they know…
So much to much it almost cause a life to fade away.
They can’t take back
What they said or how much they have hurt me
It is something that can’t be fixed
But over the years
I have learned how to live with the pain

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