Reflections in the dark | Teen Ink

Reflections in the dark

February 3, 2010
By Anonymous

Insomnia begins to hit me as another day passes…

Another day passing without going by…

And time seems to linger back and forth between reality…

And the realms beyond what we know as reality.

Reflections in the dark I assume…

As you give your blank stairs into space…

Not focusing on anything other than what isn’t there.

Thinking that if you stare long enough,

Maybe things will go back to the way you want them to be.

The way you need them to be.
But reflections are meant to stay reflections until there is nothing left to see.

No eyes to blink, no mouth to speak, and no heart to sing.


Maybe one day…

I’ll see.

The author's comments:
What I see.

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