Your Worth | Teen Ink

Your Worth

February 11, 2010
By babigirl20 BRONZE, Bear, Delaware
babigirl20 BRONZE, Bear, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Your worth more than he says.

Don't go through abuse or listen to

things he says. Your worth more than

that. You are beautiful and better than

that. You say he love you but that aint

love. Love is a feeling you get when

you see them. Or when you hold their

hand. A guy should never raise their

hand to you. It seems okay at first

but it will just keep going. It's your worth

keep what's yours. Don't let anyone bring

you down. If that happens it's not love

It's called ABUSE. abuse is never okay.

No one should ever have to go through

that. Get out while you can. Your worth

more than that. Nothing can bring a good

woman down. Learn that and your worth

will go up. Believe in Christ and he will

provide for you. A better man. One that

never raises a hand to you. One that cherishes

you. Never again do you need to cry about his s***.

No more crying for being hit. Your worth more than

that. Never again will you blame yourself.

So don't put up with that.



The author's comments:
don't go through abuse your worth more. bulid up yourself.

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