Trust | Teen Ink


February 13, 2010
By Ms.Anonymous GOLD, Sanford, Florida
Ms.Anonymous GOLD, Sanford, Florida
11 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Suck it"

I knew what was coming
but never in a million years
had I thought it would hurt that much

Tears fill my eyes
words i want to say
my throat is tied in an unbreakable knot
My heart, beats a mile a minute...
finally he tells me what I half expected to hear.

Im silent, absorbing every word.
Grasping the concept that
what I thought was love
to him, was just another "good time"
He thanks me for giving me memories
he claims he'll never forget
But we both know
he will

I hold back tears
and hold my breath afraid i'll break down
right there, that very moment

I've just lost a part of myself
A part I may never find again
He holds me
but his embrace isn't the same
no connection
no passion
no emotion

it's funny, in two seconds
lives can change
love can die
and tears can drowned us.

He appologizes for putting it off so long...
How long had he been faking
just for my sake
How could I

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