What has been lost? | Teen Ink

What has been lost?

February 6, 2010
By Amelie13 GOLD, Burlington, Iowa
Amelie13 GOLD, Burlington, Iowa
11 articles 0 photos 10 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Yet ah! why should they know their fate? 
Since sorrow never comes too late, 
And happiness too swiftly flies. 
Thought would destroy their paradise. 
No more; where ignorance is bliss, 
'Tis folly to be wise." - Thomas Gray, exerpt from 'An Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard'

Is all personality gone with the ages? We throw out the old for the clean and new; the white replaces the smoke stained ancient. Give those old vinyl memories to charity, to family, in view of coming untarnished LPs. The dresses so gauzy, thinned with wear, the top hats outdated, none caught with one in years. Forget that prom dress; your date moved on. That photo of Grandmother is weathered and torn. Discard what you can; the new has arrived. Not even recollection escapes the most prying of eyes.

With coming of Technicolor, from black and white days, the world began fading back into past greys.

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